Friday, 20 November 2015

Grevillea Frieze: Botanical painting

Hello Readers

Recently I entered a Botanicals art competition at Light Space and Time, an online art gallery based in the USA.

My entry, Grevillea Frieze, was selected for Special Recognition which, I think, may be equivalent to a Highly Commended. It was nice to be counted amongst some fine artworks in this competition. Click on the gallery link above to have a look.

Grevillea Frieze is inspired by Art Nouveau repeat designs for wallpaper and furnishing fabric. I have always loved this era of design, with its swirling lines and muted colour-schemes.

See what you think:

Image: Detail from Grevillea Frieze by Alisa Perks. Gouache on paper.
I love the curved fiddle shapes in grevillea flowers, as they are offset against the spiky leaves. The grevillea which inspired this painting is a ground-cover variety which grows beneath the front hedge. It is a very tough plant but very beautiful.


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